In a previous blog, I highlighted the referendum and non-referendum improvement projects that the District is undertaking over the next year. Here is a summary of what is happening in the District this summer and fall.
West Side Elementary Roof
The entire roof at West Side Elementary School will be replaced this summer. Construction on the roof will begin immediately once school is dismissed in June. Although staff will be able to enter the school while the roof is being replaced, we have suspended any outside groups from using the facility. It will be safe to enter the building but we ask that individuals pay close attention to safety instructions that are posted as workers work. The West Side roof replacement is being paid for by referendum money.
Grayside Elementary Roof
The entire roof at Grayside Elementary School will be replaced this summer as well. As part of the roofing improvements, there will be inside-the-school construction going on as reinforcing steel joists will be placed just above the ceilings at various areas around the building. The reinforcing joist construction will take place the first week in June and will continue for 4-7 weeks this summer.
The roof replacement construction will begin in early August (maybe earlier) and continue through the month of September. It is common to do roof construction while school is in session and we are told that it has a minimal sound disruption but we are also hoping to move the roof replacement date sooner than August. The Grayside roof and joist construction is being paid for by referendum money.
As a result of this construction at Grayside, Summer School in June and July will be held at Mauston High School. There will also be no other outside community activity happening at Grayside. Staff may enter the building, but like West Side, we ask that you follow all safety precautions while in the building. Because of the joist work that is happening inside the building in June and July we ask that staff do not spend any amount of time inside the building.
Olson Middle School HVAC System Replacement
Olympic Builders have been inside OMS for a couple of weeks now organizing the space to replace the old HVAC system that is there. Asbestos removal will begin on Monday June 6 and all other HVAC work will begin in intensity on June 6. There are small amounts of asbestos in the furnace area in the basement at OMS and in the upstairs boys and girls bathrooms. The asbestos removal will be highly contained and will take about one week to be removed. OMS is not open to the general public and we ask teachers to not spend any amount of time in the building due to the construction. The main office will remain open over the summer however. The pool is closed beginning Monday June 6 and will reopen in early September.
Track and Field Improvements in Late Fall
Once the football season is over in mid to later October, the construction on the field and track will begin. My March 10 blog highlights the construction work that will be happening. The old bleachers will be removed (not exactly sure whether they will be removed in late October or early Spring) and new grandstand bleachers will be put up.
The District has a working committee entitled Campus Field Advisory Committee made up of staff, school board and community. This committee is oversight to this project and other future field/outdoor space projects. It meets generally about once every two weeks and will continue to meet and advise the full school board on campus field improvements. The Board of Education will spend time at its June Regular Board meeting discussing the pending approval of the new grandstand project. The track, field and grandstand projects are being paid for by referendum dollars, one-time Fund 10 dollars and donations from the Golden Eagle Athletic Booster Club. I will continue to keep the District informed as to the progress of this work.
It will be a busy summer for improvement projects. If you have any questions about any of these projects please feel free to contact me personally.
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