Wednesday, August 30, 2017

September 2017

When our school doors open in September we will educate 1500 students with close to 20 new open enrollment students choosing our District this fall.  We employ 140 teachers and administrators and more than 100 support staff who demonstrate compassion for this noble profession dedicated to EVERY CHILD, EVERY CLASSROOM, EVERY DAY.

Our School District values educational choice for our families.  We lead our region in providing:

  • A 7-12 iLEAD Charter School where students engage in leadership and entrepreneurial project based learning
  • An instantly successful Montessori School grades 4K-3, two classrooms now in its third year
  • A virtual online schooling experience, partnering with CESA 2’s JEDI online program for students at any school age
  • Our Mauston High School and the many program features that ensure all students graduate from high school, including a focus on college dual credit, articulated coursework, Advanced Placement, with our focus on achievement in Mathematics, Reading and Writing, and Science and other investments such as the arts and extracurricular experiences and our more recent partnering ventures with the new Insight Program where we will begin an intense relationship with the Pewaukee School District and an impressive list of regional business partners to advance high school student internship and mentorship experiences while in high school
  • Responding to the need to expand our global network focus with a new FAB LAB (a state-of-the-art digital fabrication laboratory at MHS) where students will learn how to be project managers, engineers and designers in the STEAM arena (Science, Technology, Engineering, Agriculture and Mathematics) along with a focus on instructors who are qualified to teach in these new learning environment
  • One to one technology across the District to support dynamic skills such as communication, collaboration, problem-solving, critical thinking and creativity through the creation, consumption and manipulation and sharing of digital content and information – vital skills for today’s students to flourish in tomorrow’s job market
  • The expansion of the 4K early learning classrooms at West Side and Lyndon Station Elementary Schools to 4 days a week setting the foundation for success in learning while our students are young. In addition to this we partner with Head Start and house their program in our schools keeping our families connected to our schools and the learning targets we establish
  • At our elementary and middle schools there is a continued emphasis to teach Reading, writing, speaking, mathematics and science in a Workshop learning environment where teachers can better meet the individual needs of students and students become better skilled at self-direction learning the aforementioned vital dynamic skills while integrating critical academic concepts
  • Our elementary schools will ramp up opportunities for parents and families to partner with the schools – when families are integrated into the fabric of the educational experience – learning becomes more connected and meaningful for all
  • Our middle school has increased the instructional minutes in our English Language Arts and Mathematics classes providing additional time to advance learning in these critical learning areas
  • Our middle school has taken the lead on developing innovative learning environments that spark new learning such as the MakerSpace Lab and other creative classroom practices such as the Student Collaboration Studio and increased exploratory options for students
  • Professional development that is part of educator practice that is routinely focused on District goals and rewarding educators as they implement and reflect on their professional growth in our school organization

These are but a few of the educational practices that will enrich the chance of success for our students and educators now and in the future.  We see a bright beginning for a new school year!  We begin a new school year filled with the love of children and youth and the support of parents and community partners.  It is a privilege and honor to serve as your Superintendent. 

Dr. Christine M. Weymouth
Superintendent of Schools

Monday, August 7, 2017

Welcome Back to School!

Challenge Learn Grow Succeed. We are the Mauston Schools… this is our brand and you are the reason that we are successful! You make all the difference and your dedication and mindfulness is our strength. It is a new year and with a new year comes a chance to try new things and garner new strengths so that we grow and give others hope.
Welcome back to this school year! Our District is committed to professional development for staff and again this year staff took part in a variety of instructional trainings that will assist and support staff in their instructional goal setting this year. As you know, summer is a very busy time for staff and school and District leaders. Here is a sampling of some accomplishments that have happened since early June.

  • A highly successful Summer School Program and Lunch in the Park Program for the greater Mauston area. Orchestrating success for kids and families.
  •  As of this writing the District is pleased to welcome 18 new teachers to our learning Mauston School District Community. Many of our existing support staff will return and a number of new support staff will join us as well. We will welcome all new teachers and support staff to the District at the Welcome Back to School Event on Tuesday, August 29.
  • Professional Development in Mathematics and Reading Workshop at elementary and middle schools, FAB LAB high school training and high school attendance at the Bioenergy Institute for Educators. Powerful professional development involvement!
  • Mauston High School has been busy establishing distinguished partnerships with regional business and industry and higher education to expand MHS’s Insight Program and advancing dual credit college options for high school students.
  • Two of our elementary schools, Grayside and West Side Elementary will welcome new principals to begin the new school year. Please welcome Bobbi Steele and Jolene Routson!
  • 1050 student Chromebooks to advance learning as a result of a recent technology lease.
  • The Track/Field and Grandstand Community Field Referendum Project is very near completion and we hope for the opportunity to play a few varsity soccer and football games on the field in September pending the approval of the contractors telling us the grass is at a substantial level of growth.
  • A July School Board Workshop on the District’s interest in improving teacher compensation to remain competitive in the public education free market.

Mauston Schools continue to be grand places where educators are committed to teaching and supporting GREAT students! I am very proud to share with you our mission action statement:

The School District of Mauston is your District of Choice where students, educators and community embrace high expectations in academics, arts, extracurricular activities and community engagement to best prepare each learner to achieve success in the world of work, college and life.

In keeping with tradition, I invite each of you to participate in the Welcome Back to School Staff Breakfast and Program beginning with a HOT breakfast at 7:30 AM on Tuesday August 29 in the Mauston High School Commons.
Please review the schedule below for the week you return to school. Your building specific schedules will provide more detail for you for Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday. Teacher float days this year include Monday August 21 through Friday August 25 and August 28, 31 and September 1. The first day of school for students in grades 4K-9 is Tuesday September 5 and for students in grades 10, 11 and 12, Wednesday September 6.
We are fortunate to be in the profession of teaching and supporting others. We get to transform the lives of children and youth! Until I see all of you soon, I wish you a wonderful rest of August.


Christine M. Weymouth,
Superintendent of Schools

SCHEDULE FOR AUGUST 29, 30 and 31, 2017
Tuesday, August 29
Wednesday, August 30
Thursday, August 31 & Friday September 1

Welcome Back to School Breakfast and Program
7:30 AM – 8: AM
Hot Breakfast at MHS (ALL STAFF)
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM
New Staff ALICE Training at MHS
8:30 – 10:00 AM Session 1
10:15 – 11:45 AM Session 2
12:15 – 1:45 PM Session 3
2:00 - 3:30 PM Session 4 New Shoretel Software Phone Training on Operation and Use
of New Phones – Attendance is voluntary (*Video training will be made available also.)
7:45 AM – 3:45 PM
See Building Schedules (Lunch On Your Own)

(This is an additional Teacher Float Day)
8:15 AM – 9:45 AM
Superintendent Weymouth’s Welcome and “Mindfulness in the Workplace” by Betsy Delzer (Middleton-Cross Plains School

10:00 AM – 3:45 PM
See Building Schedules

Friday, July 7, 2017

Mid-Summer Update

“Good friends, good books, and a sleepy conscience: This is the ideal life.” 

~ Mark Twain


I hope that your summer is progressing nicely and that you are discovering new adventures with those you love. Summer is a time to reflect and perhaps dabble in something inspirational or just wake up a little later. I wish you a safe and fun-filled summer and look forward to beginning a new year with you later in August.

Here are a few highlights of School District of Mauston news for you.  See you soon!

Summer 2017 Curriculum & Professional  Learning

June has been filled with summer curriculum work and professional learning for staff. Elementary staff’s focus has been Readers and Writers Workshop and Math enrichments that support the state math standards.
Middle school staff have been involved in working together to gain new insight regarding teaching in a 90 minute period for English Language Arts and Mathematics. Social Studies and Science teachers spent time working together on standards, lessons and units in two grade levels.
Middle school and high school teachers have been introduced to itslearning, our new curriculum online web-based platform that organizes curriculum and assessment for staff.
High School staff have been focused on Mathematics, College Algebra and the development of Integrated Math.   Other areas of summer professional development have involved Academy work, Insight Academy, FAB LAB development and History and Science.

Teachers New to the District

As of the end of June the District currently will welcome 9 new teachers across the District. We are excited for these teachers to join the Mauston teaching staff and we look forward to welcoming them at the Monday August 28 New Teacher and Community Breakfast at Mauston  High School at 7:30 AM.  We currently have three open teaching positions as of this date:  OMS
vocal music, OMS/MHS Spanish and Early Childhood Special Education at West Side.

New Teacher Workshop will be Monday, Tuesday August 14 and 15.

 Mauston Teachers Working Toward National Board  Certification

Created by teachers, for teachers, National Board Certification is the profession’s mark of accomplished teaching. Six of our teachers will be working toward their National Board Certification beginning this fall. Mallory Campbell, Mandi Brice, Ali Azarian, Peg Barton, Niki Briggs and Michelle Taylor will begin their commitment to earning a National Board Certification. The District will support these teachers during this time through Instructional Leadership Grants and CESA 5 cohort involvement.

National Board Standards come to life through four components of the certification process, content knowledge assessment; reflections on student work samples; classroom video and
analysis and documentation of the teacher’s impact as a teaching professional.  Congratulations
to these teachers on their journey ahead!

Round Two with Teacher Compensation

In the Spring of 2013, the Board of Education approved a teacher compensation model that involved several new compensation features such as 12.5 % equity compensation (placing additional pay from lost steps on base wage salaries), base wage credentialing (writing of PPG’s each year), degree and certification compensation (additional $2000 to $4000) on base wage salaries for the completion of Master’s degree, doctorate and National Board Certification, and other increases in teacher supplemental compensation in the area of Instructional Leadership Grants and various professional  development.
The Board of Education will be involved in discussing and reviewing Mauston’s teacher compensation to date at a Special Board Workshop on Wednesday July 12, 2017 @ 6:00 PM in the District Office Board Room.  A Phase II Teacher Compensation Work Group will begin in the fall 2017 to consider new developments in teacher compensation. School principals will select teachers from each level in the District and a work group will be formed in early September.

Community Track, Field and Grandstand Referendum Project

The field, track, and grandstand construction work is nearing its completion deadlines. Here are some highlights:
The preparation for seeding and soils is completed and the new underground irrigation system is working.
The field work is monitored and treated weekly by landscaping contractors and District building and grounds crew to maintain the foundation for new grass.
The access road will be paved in the month of July and latex track surfacing will be completed in July.
Fencing around the grandstand and track and the ramp for the grandstand will be installed in early July.
New press box interior (the finishing of the ceiling, framing of walls and electrical wiring is nearing  completion.
New sound system and lighting has been  installed.
It is important through the months of July and August to not have traffic on the field. The MSD Athletic Department in concert with administration, buildings and grounds and the landscape contractor will work together to determine approval and scheduling of any and all events on the field August through November. Our goal has been to play only varsity soccer and football events on the field, weather and field conditions dependent.

Upcoming Important Dates and Events in August

We will begin the new year with newly installed phones for all schools. More to come about that. Additional phone operation information will be provided by the Technology Department in August.
MSD Student Registration Day is Tuesday August 15 all day. Please check with your schools for your schedule on this day.
Community and Teachers New to the District Breakfast is Monday August 28 @ 7:30 AM in the Mauston High School Commons.
Teacher Float Days are August 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28 and 31.

Make your summer great!