Wednesday, August 30, 2017

September 2017

When our school doors open in September we will educate 1500 students with close to 20 new open enrollment students choosing our District this fall.  We employ 140 teachers and administrators and more than 100 support staff who demonstrate compassion for this noble profession dedicated to EVERY CHILD, EVERY CLASSROOM, EVERY DAY.

Our School District values educational choice for our families.  We lead our region in providing:

  • A 7-12 iLEAD Charter School where students engage in leadership and entrepreneurial project based learning
  • An instantly successful Montessori School grades 4K-3, two classrooms now in its third year
  • A virtual online schooling experience, partnering with CESA 2’s JEDI online program for students at any school age
  • Our Mauston High School and the many program features that ensure all students graduate from high school, including a focus on college dual credit, articulated coursework, Advanced Placement, with our focus on achievement in Mathematics, Reading and Writing, and Science and other investments such as the arts and extracurricular experiences and our more recent partnering ventures with the new Insight Program where we will begin an intense relationship with the Pewaukee School District and an impressive list of regional business partners to advance high school student internship and mentorship experiences while in high school
  • Responding to the need to expand our global network focus with a new FAB LAB (a state-of-the-art digital fabrication laboratory at MHS) where students will learn how to be project managers, engineers and designers in the STEAM arena (Science, Technology, Engineering, Agriculture and Mathematics) along with a focus on instructors who are qualified to teach in these new learning environment
  • One to one technology across the District to support dynamic skills such as communication, collaboration, problem-solving, critical thinking and creativity through the creation, consumption and manipulation and sharing of digital content and information – vital skills for today’s students to flourish in tomorrow’s job market
  • The expansion of the 4K early learning classrooms at West Side and Lyndon Station Elementary Schools to 4 days a week setting the foundation for success in learning while our students are young. In addition to this we partner with Head Start and house their program in our schools keeping our families connected to our schools and the learning targets we establish
  • At our elementary and middle schools there is a continued emphasis to teach Reading, writing, speaking, mathematics and science in a Workshop learning environment where teachers can better meet the individual needs of students and students become better skilled at self-direction learning the aforementioned vital dynamic skills while integrating critical academic concepts
  • Our elementary schools will ramp up opportunities for parents and families to partner with the schools – when families are integrated into the fabric of the educational experience – learning becomes more connected and meaningful for all
  • Our middle school has increased the instructional minutes in our English Language Arts and Mathematics classes providing additional time to advance learning in these critical learning areas
  • Our middle school has taken the lead on developing innovative learning environments that spark new learning such as the MakerSpace Lab and other creative classroom practices such as the Student Collaboration Studio and increased exploratory options for students
  • Professional development that is part of educator practice that is routinely focused on District goals and rewarding educators as they implement and reflect on their professional growth in our school organization

These are but a few of the educational practices that will enrich the chance of success for our students and educators now and in the future.  We see a bright beginning for a new school year!  We begin a new school year filled with the love of children and youth and the support of parents and community partners.  It is a privilege and honor to serve as your Superintendent. 

Dr. Christine M. Weymouth
Superintendent of Schools

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